Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon and happens several times a day without our conscious awareness. It is an altered state of mind in which our critical filter is bypassed through suggestions and relaxation. However selective thinking is maintained that helps bring the desired change. In this state your mind particularly your subconscious mind is more open and responsive to positive suggestions that facilitate positive change, recovery, and healing processes to occur more easily than our conscious mind often allows or even achieves.
Hypnosis refers to the natural brain state, or the actual phenomenon itself. Hypnosis is used in a therapeutic manner to help people resolve their difficulties and create lasting positive changes in a safe way. Hypnotherapy has excellent results in emotional, physical and psychological disorders, unwanted habits and negative thinking. It stands out from other forms of therapies because it addresses your subconscious mind to affect change that has been almost impossible with the help of conscious will.
This is because the root cause of the problem or symptom lies in the subconscious and your conscious mind has no idea of it many a times. Think of the subconscious mind as a recorder of all of your experiences which you do not even remember. Hypnotherapy allows you to bypass the conscious mind and access this database where you uncover the reasons behind the issues and thus allowing you to resolve the issue rapidly.
The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful. Most habits, beliefs, fears and emotions are maintained and stored in the subconscious mind.
Many individuals strive to change thought patterns and behaviors by focusing on the conscious mind only. This may not bring the expected results or the success may be short-lived, throwing the person deeper into frustration and disappointment. By contrast, hypnotherapy is a deeper process by the therapeutic use of hypnosis to access and communicate with your subconscious to make lasting transformative changes.
Hypnotherapy Process
Anyone can be effectively hypnotized – only if they want to be. It is a natural brain state that human beings go to several times in a day. The only difference is that hypnotherapy is guided process with a purpose which will be the focus. An experienced therapist can then best use this hypnotic state to affect the positive change. All you need is the desire and curiosity to experience hypnosis to benefit from it. Your conscious ‘thinking’ mind will become more relaxed and out of the way, allowing your subconscious mind to become more open and receptive to positive suggestions which are designed to help you change behaviour. These positive suggestions will embed more easily in hypnosis than in your usual waking state.
Some Misconceptions
Losing Control
Stage hypnosis is mainly responsible for this misconception. However, this is not the case in Hypnotherapy where you still retain control, in fact, in hypnosis you will experience being in more control than you may have previously experienced. No hypnotherapist can make you do, say, feel or think anything you don’t want to.
Not Waking up
This simply cannot happen and is not a possibility in hypnotherapy. You are 100 per cent in control and apart from feeling so relaxed that you may doze off through part of it, you are not in any danger of not waking up or doing any irreversible damage.
It depends from person to person, and many people start experiencing the benefits immediately. Some people even notice a positive changes in areas of their life that they weren’t even expecting.
I won’t Recall Anything
Hypnosis is quite different from sleep. People remain fully aware of their surroundings and can recall what happens in each session, although a few people who relax more deeply may feel as if they drift in and out of sleep momentarily.
Most clients will remember the vast majority of what goes on during the hypnotherapy session. There may be times when your unconscious mind, or the hypnotherapist may delay your full recall for your own interest and best outcomes.
My secrets will be Revealed
Even in the state of hypnosis it is up to the client what to share.
Hypnotherapy Can Help Resolve
Phobias and fears
Sleep disorders
General Anxiety Disorder
Post-trauma stress
Grief and loss
Pain management
Weight Loss
Smoking cessation
Reduce stress and anxiety
Heal emotional scars
Improve performance
Improve performance
Overcome fears.
Speed the healing process
Reduce Pain
Enhance learning
Change the habits – overeating, smoking, biting nails etc.