Transpersonal Regression Therapy

Transpersonal Regression Therapy


Regression therapy accepts that every problem has a cause, a source or origin in the past. In regression therapy, we return to the origin with the help of a kind of trance through strong focus and not hypnosis. In Transpersonal Regression Therapy the problem is the solution and in the present, there is no problem even if it occurred just a minute ago. This is so true. Every problem lies in some past experience and if explored, clarified and understood it will offer a solution. You are suffering from something and you don’t understand why this is or what it is; they can be vague complaints. We return to the situation that your subconscious and/or body still remembers. You are here and now with your conscious mind but in the there and then as well. And that is what makes this therapy so healing, you can retrieve lost, forgotten, suppressed or undigested experiences to your current consciousness, whereby you can heal it in the here and now.

TRT has three important components: Regression, Personification and Energy Work.

1. Regression is finding, exploring, reliving and clarifying past experiences. It is going back to the origin of problems and decisions.
2. Personification is representing the causes and the solution of problems as persons, who often are client’s sub-personalities, other people, even unknowns.
3. Energy work is visualizing and feeling the problem or its solution in or around the body. Energy work resembles somewhat energy healing, the main difference being that the clients are doing their own healing and the therapist only facilitates.

TRT does not involve relaxing induction to get the client into a trance. It starts as a cognitive talk and then the feelings and sensations related to the problem form a bridge to take you to the cause of the problem. It is a very fast and effective method. TRT does not start with a diagnosis or any presumed reason for the client’s issue. Rather it explores and investigates with what client comes up with and reaches the cause which then offers solutions. This also tackles the multiplicity and recursivity of the problems. TRT is also contractual in what the client specifically wants to work with and therefore facilitates faster long-lasting even permanent resolution and successful outcome.


  • Anxiety and Phobias
  • Depression; Loneliness, Abandonment, Grief or Despair
  • Psychosomatic complaints not responding to medical care
  • Relationship and marital problems
  • Problems of connecting with people in general: feeling socially inept and insecure, extreme shyness.; lack of assertiveness, over-adaptation.
  • Feeling of being stuck or blocked. Seeing no way out, feeling imprisoned
  • Loss of direction. Finding your life plan and purpose?
  • Exploration: discovering and freeing hidden talents, personal development, increasing mental health
  • Accidents and Surgeries Trauma Release
  • Prenatal Experiences
  • Inner Child Work
  • Trauma; abuse, ancestral or intergenerational
  • Attached energies of others of loved ones
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Other lifetimes or Life between Lives

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