What if you could have a user manual for the brain? Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is just that and one of the most powerful methodologies for helping people make dramatic shifts in their lives. It is based on the idea that with our physical senses we are only able to perceive a small part of the world. Our view of the world is filtered by our experiences, beliefs, values and assumptions.
NLP helps us in understanding how people organize their thoughts, feelings, language and behaviour to either experience the problem they are experiencing or produce the results they do. An important component of NLP is modeling where outstanding performances of athletes, leaders, geniuses are studied to help recreate and replicate that success. This facilitates phenomenal success in personal development and other significant areas of life.
Each person has a unique mental map of the world based on how we filter and perceive information absorbed through our senses. Personal meaning is assigned to this information that is received from the outside world; images, feelings, sounds, tastes and smells.
We are processing millions of bits of data every second that is being absorbed through our senses. Each individual has established their own unique mental filtering system through deletion, distortion, and generalization and created a map on the basis of which the individual navigates through life.
This personal interpretation is then assigned a language label and becomes our everyday conscious awareness. Our behavioural response is a result of our neurological filtering process which can be changed, adapted, or enhanced to create an internal map that supports and projects a better reality. When you understand the features of your mind you can then access the excellence that you inherently have.
The interactive comeback that occurs as a result of neurological filtering methods and the succeeding linguistic map.
Neuro-linguistic programming is a method of altering someone’s views and behaviors to help attain desired results for them. NLP detects and modifies unconscious biases or limitations of an individual’s map of the world.
NLP is not hypnotherapy though it works beautifully with it. Instead, it operates through the conscious use of language to bring about changes in someone\’s thoughts and behavior.
Neuro-linguistic programming allows you to better recognize your mind and allows you to access the brilliance you already inherently have.
NLP will allow you to create new neurological pathways, this will create behaviours that better serve you for your life and eliminate old destructive patterns of behavior.

NLP benefits
Life coaching
Achieving your goals
Success in sports
Habits and addictions
Healing mind and body
Self-image and self esteem
Resourcefulness in career and relationships
Public speaking
Chronic pain
Chronic illness
Asthma and allergies
Fears and phobias
Past trauma/ PTSD
Eating disorders
Public speaking
Chronic pain
Chronic illness
Asthma and allergies
Fears and phobias
Past trauma/ PTSD
Eating disorders