Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon. It is a state of deep relaxation combined with focused concentration. Hypnosis is defined as a natural yet altered state of mind in which critical thinking is relaxed and selective thinking is maintained. In this state your mind particularly your subconscious mind is more open and responsive to positive suggestions facilitates positive change, recovery and healing processes to occur more easily than our conscious mind often allows or even achieve.
Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Life Coaching
Life Coaching is a co-creative process with designed alliance between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to the client. The coach works with the client as a partner knowing that the client has the answers to every question they seek, solution to each challenge in life and the resources to overcome it, even if it may appear to be obscured, concealed or hidden inside.
Theta Healing
Just pause and wonder whether your beliefs may be preventing you from living the life you want? Not many people have considered this. Most of us tend to blame other people or circumstances for what we are experiencing. This victim mentality is very disempowering and keeps you from taking responsibility and making the changes that will lead to the life you desire and deserve.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties, and so change the way they feel. It is used to help treat a wide range of issues in a person’s life. CBT works by changing people’s attitudes and their behavior by focusing on the thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes that are held (a person’s cognitive processes) and how these processes relate to the way a person behaves, as a way of dealing with emotional problems.
Family Constellations
Family constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship in order to address any stressors impacting these relationships and heal them. Many individuals report achieving significant insight and clarity through constellation work, but because of the subjective therapeutic process and experiential nature of family constellations

Inner Child Integration Therapy
Do you wonder why certain things bother you as an adult? Why in a certain situation, experiences and with certain people you feel angry, helpless, overwhelmed, and unable to respond in the usual calm, composed adult manner. There is drama in your life which keeps re-creating and repeating like a pattern. Something that may have worked successfully in the past is not working any longer and yet you continue to do it as if you no longer have control on it or yourself!
Emotional Freedom Technique
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping) is like psychological acupressure without the invasiveness of needles. Acupressure and acupuncture have its origin way back over 5000 years ago, in the Ancient Chinese Shaolin and Taoist monasteries. The role of acupressure has been paramount in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and it is still in use today which is a testimony to its effectiveness in the treatment of illness and pain.

Transpersonal Regression Therapy
Regression therapy accepts that every problem has a cause, a source or origin in the past. In regression therapy, we return to the origin with the help of a kind of trance through strong focus and not hypnosis. In Transpersonal Regression Therapy the problem is the solution and in the present, there is no problem even if it occurred just a minute ago. This is so true. Every problem lies in some past experience and if explored, clarified and understood it will offer a solution.